Popularity of Homemade Utility Trailers Leads to Glut of Discarded Truck Cabs

The increase in popularity of homemade cargo trailers — constructed using the bed from a used pickup truck — has led to a surplus of severed truck cabs, according to a local vehicle salvage expert. 

Leroy “Doodles” Gifford built this homemade trailer from an old Ford pickup

“What are we going to do with all them unwanted truck fronts?” asked salvager Custo Feeler. “You can’t drive the truck or sell it no more ’cause there ain’t no back end.”

How many abandoned truck cabs are out there?  According to the American Auto Salvage and Finger Puppeteers Association, somewhere around 18-billion of them — but probably less — lie rusting in ditches, fields and garages.    

“It’s a waste,” said Feeler.  “Kind of like cutting the fins off a shark. It can’t swim no more and neither can a truck cab.” 



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