Breaking News! Volt More Aerodynamic Going Backward; Front is the New Back, Says Chevy

Chevrolet today declared that the Volt plug-in hybrid is more aerodynamic traveling in reverse, and in a shocking disclosure, announced that what was previously the back of the car will now be the front, and vice-versa.

The Volt's front end is facing right in this photo. The other end is now the back.

GM engineer Stitch Mosler (wearing orange shirt) had the honor of driving the first reconfigured Volt off the production line.  The front of the car is to the right.  The other end is now the back.

“We were very excited when wind tunnel testing indicated the Volt had a coefficient of drag of 0.074, which is the lowest of any vehicle ever produced,” said GM engineer Stitch Mosler, who added, “Hell, that’s even lower than a bullet!”

That’s when Mosler and his team realized they had forgotten to start the wind tunnel’s fan.  “But even once the fan was spinning the Volt still measured 0.285, which is pretty darn good,” he said.

But it soon got even better.  On a hunch, Stitch and fellow engineer Louis Hunchstitch decided to turn the car around 180-degrees.  Amazingly, the coefficient of drag decreased to 0.242.

“It’s better backward than forward,” said Mosler.  “So, after minutes of discussion, we decided to go ahead and make the back of the car the front and the front the back, which not only increases e-mpg, but also makes the mirrors whistle less.”

Mosley said Chevrolet briefly considered renaming the reversed Volt the Tlov, “but it sounded too Russian.”


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