Violent Romantic Triangle Involves Two Assembly Line Robots and a Female Coworker

Two assembly line robots and their female coworker at a Subaru plant in Indiana were fired today after reportedly being involved in a romantic triangle that plant officials claim led to ongoing fights and arguments. 

According to officials at the Fetor River plant, the woman, 37-year-old Biloxi Durward, was dating both robots at the same time.

The trio is shown here in happier times. The female coworker is in the middle.

The trio is shown here in happier times. The female coworker is in the middle.

 “That led to a big fight,” said employee Poppy Stinch, who asked that her name not be published. “The big robot struck the smaller one, which ended up lying on the ground in a pool of hydraulic fluid. It was horrible.”

A plant spokesman said criminal charges are pending against the larger robot, identified only as a T-9840 Line Nut Tightener. “I think the big one was jealous because Biloxi was spending more time with the Laser-Eyed Fender Welder,” he said.


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