Parksplug Interviews Vehicle Interior Controls Abbreviator Bunkle Peter

Retired Abbreviator Bunkle Peter

Bunkle Peter is the grandfather of vehicle interior control abbreviators.  He’s most famous for coming up with PRNDL, which still serves as the transmission gear indicator in many current vehicles.  We spoke with the
84-year old Peter (a phrase we acknowledge sounds unseemly) at his home in East Retrop, Oklahoma.

PP:   It’s very nice to see you Mr. Peter.

Peter:  Thks, but pls call me Bunkle.

PP:  Wow, you even abbreviate when you speak.

Peter: After abbreviating for almost 60 yrs it’s a hard habit to brk.  My wife Flo is alwys gettin’ after me.

PP:  Flo…is that short for Florence?

Peter:  No.

PP:  Oh.  So, umm…PRNDL must have been your magnum opus.

Peter:  That’s a Dodge, right?

PP:  No, it’s—holy jumpin’ Moses, what the hell is that?

Peter:  Tht’s my dog. She’s a Hairless Pug.

PP:  Looks like some sort of larvae.

Peter:  Thks.

PP:  Anyway, we were talking about PRNDL.

Peter:  PRNDL was fine, but I’m most proud of CHK ENGINE.

PP:  I’ve always wondered why it wasn’t abbreviated CHECK ENG. It’s shorter.

Peter:  We thot abt it and actually conducted a poll.  No one could figure out what an ENG was. People weren’t very smart back then.

PP:  What other abbreviations did you create?

Peter:  Oh gosh, there’s hi, lo, AC and recirc — I’m especially proud of recirc — and O/D.  My friend Bob Unguium created the abbreviation 4WD, and several years later I came up with AWD. He never spoke to me again.

PP:  He thought you stole his idea?

Peter:  No. I stole his Hairless Pug.



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