Next-Gen Mustang Much Smaller: Will Compete With Subaru BRZ, Says Source

As this photo below shows, the next-generation Ford Mustang will be a much smaller and lighter car.

Tweener: Next-gen Mustang will be much smaller than the current model but larger than the Focus

Tweener: Next-gen Mustang will be much smaller than the current model but larger than the Focus

“It’s about the size of the BRZ,” an industry insider told us. In the interest of full disclosure, the insider works in the frozen produce — not the automotive — industry, but he sure seems like he knows what he’s talking about.

Does this mean no more Mustang GT, GT350 and GT350R? “I don’t know,” answered the insider, “but did you know a cup of frozen spinach contains more iron than an F-150 door skin?” We do now.


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