Updated on December 24, 2016
University of Farmers Ranked Worst Party School in the Nation
There was disappointing news today for the University of Farmers. Despite efforts to liven up their image with a series of droll television commercials starring that bald guy that everyone has seen before but has no idea who he is, the U of F was ranked the worst party school in the country, according to the website ohgodithinkimgoingtopuke.org.
“It’s disheartening,” said Blanda Shetwynd, U of F’s Director of Outreach. “We have a lot of fun here. For example, just last week, a big group of us sat around a bonfire — not a real one, of course, — and sang songs about death benefits and gap insurance. Oh my, what a hoot.”
According to Shetwynd, the university’s bottom-rung status on the annual ranking of party schools has little to do with the fact that all students are insurance agents-in-training. “It’s really a fun, super-duper group of people,” she assured us before bursting into tears.