An Old Subaru and a Bunch of Land is All That’s Left After Entire State of Oregon Flees in the Middle of the Night

The entire state of Oregon disappeared sometime during the early morning hours yesterday, leaving behind nothing but 98,000 square miles of dirt, trees and a rusty 1985  Subaru Brat.  
Call Nancy Lee Penhalligan for information on purchasing this Subaru Brat

Contact the Department of the Interior for information on purchasing this Subaru Brat

While Oregon’s current whereabouts are unknown, Kentucky wasted no time in expressing interest in moving to the newly vacant site between California and Washington state.  “It’s nice there,” explained Kentucky Land Office Director Goby Lee Harkiss, evidently a man of few words.  

Those interested in purchasing the Subaru should call the U.S. Department of the Interior at (202) 208-3801 and ask for Mary Lee Penhalligan.  

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