VW Paying Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol to Deliver “Dieselgate” Settlement Checks

Volkswagen has hired the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol to perform the daunting task of presenting thousands of checks to  owners of vehicles recalled as a result of the so-called “dieselgate” emissions scandal.  

The PCH Prize Patrol delivers Bunny Calisto's settlement check while her VW Jetta is towed away to the crusher

The PCH Prize Patrol surprises Jetta diesel owner Toffee Bunghill with a giant $11,500 settlement check.  In the background, her car is towed away to the crusher

Faced with the daunting challenge of delivering what could be nearly a half-million checks, Volkswagen brass decided instead to turn the task over to the Prize Patrol.  

“Those Prize Patrol folks do it right,” explained VW spokesperson Hymese Beefer.  “A bunch of them show up at the car owner’s door with a giant check and some balloons and shit, and they jump up and down and squeal. They make it fun,” said Beefer.     





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