Fake News Site Parksplug Accused of Spreading Real News

Parksplug, a site that prides itself on being among the least trusted automotive news sources, is now finding itself under attack for spreading real news on its online sites.  

"We've never spread real information, and we never will," claimed Parksplug editor Sputz Fowler

“We’ve never spread real information, and we never will,” claimed Parksplug editor Sputz Fowler

“To me, Parksplug has always been the best source for automotive misinformation, outright lies and alternative facts,” said a longtime reader who was too embarrassed to give his name.  “What a shame it would be if they started circulating real news.”

But Parksplug editor Sputz Fowler denied the allegation.  “We’ve never spread real news, and we never will.  Whoever says otherwise is spreading…well, fake news.”  




photo:  www.canstockphoto.com


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