Controversial “Shroud of Torino” Goes On Display Tomorrow

The Shroud of Torino will be on display through XX at the Elk's Lodge. Call Bunny at the lodge for tickets

The Shroud of Torino, shown above, will be on display through Saturday at the Elk’s Lodge. Call Bunny at the lodge for tickets

The Shroud of Torino, the 48-year-old linen cloth that some believe bears the image of the first Ford Torino to leave the assembly line, will go on display tomorrow at the Elk’s Lodge.  

Ford faithful believe the Shroud served as a car cover for the first 1968 Torino, while others claim it’s a forgery.

“I’ve waited 25 years to see it,” 62-year-old blue oval fan Darvon Blix said with tears in his eyes, adding, “I’ve owned four Torinos.”

Those who believe the relic is authentic point to carbon monoxide dating tests performed on the cloth that determined it is approximately 49 years old, while some scientists and a couple of dry cleaners disagree.  

To date, the mystery of the Shroud remains unsolved.  Admission is $2.00 for adults and there’s a $1.00 AAA discount.  Food or horseplay are not allowed.


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