Sound of Idling Diesel Engine Has Same Effect on Men As Viagra, Claims Researcher

Men in a test group who listened to the sound of an idling diesel engine experienced the same physical reaction as another group given the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra, said a researcher.

A research volunteer is mesmerized by a recording of an idling Cummins diesel engine

“I think this explains why you see so many men sitting in diesel pickups with the engine idling,” said Gobo Dingler, a research scientist with the University of Lower Bumbo.  “It’s quite arousing.”  

The results were not the same with all types of diesels, however.  

“Men experienced the most intense physical reaction — equivalent to, say, taking a handful of Viagra — when listening to an idling Cummins 6.7 liter engine,” said Dingler.  

“However, the effect was completely reversed when we played a recording of an idling Chevy Cruze diesel,” he added.  


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