Oldest Barrett-Jackson Vehicle Pusher Finally Hangs Up His White Gloves

He was among Barrett-Jackson’s first “pushers” when the Scottsdale-based vehicle auction company opened for business in 1971. “I was already 43 back then,” said 91-year old Chester Pulaski, who, next week, will trade his trusty white gloves for “my Ameriglide recliner and a goddamned jigsaw puzzle.”

Barrett-Jackson vehicle pusher gives Parksplug reporter Splendo the hairy eyeball

91-year-old Barrett-Jackson vehicle pusher Chester Pulaski says he ready for his recliner and jigsaw puzzle

Pulaski seldom complains, but he does admit the vehicles he pushes across the auction stage feel heavier than they used to. “Plus, my fingers are stiff as week-old fish sticks.”  

Glaring at smiling Parksplug reporter Splendo Rinker, Pulaski barked, “What are you laughing at, f–ksqueek?  You ever try pushing a ’56 Lincoln? It’s like trying to push a goddamned bus.”

Barrett-Jackson spokesperson Blanchie Mogo said the company originally planned to give Pulaski his old white gloves as a retirement gift, but reconsidered after realizing they could get “four or five bucks” for them at auction.  


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