Audi Admits Copying Datsun B210 Design For its A7

Twins?  The “shapely and sexy” Datsun B210  (top) and Audi’s A7

Audi put to rest decades of suspicions today when a company stylist admitted copying the lines of the mid-1970’s Datsun B210 when designing the sleek A7 sedan.  

“It was a mistake; I shouldn’t have done it,” said A7 designer Elrod Essiggurke.  

“I’ve long admired the B210; it was a design tour de force, so shapely and sexy,” said Essiggurke.  But my passion for the B210 gave me no right to rip off Datsun.”

“It’s about time,” said B210 owner Toots Wiggler.  “I can’t tell you how many A7 owners mistake my car for theirs.  It really gets old.”   



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