Parksplug Responds to Reader Complaints About Dearth of Nissan Altima Articles

“We’ve never used the word ‘dearth’ before either,” slurs intoxicated editor of asinine blog
Parksplug, an automotive blog read by tens of people across the county, today assured readers it would boost the number of stories about Nissan Altimas.

“We’ve gotten complaints from people asking, ‘Where are the Altima stories?’,” said Parksplug junior varsity editor Kjell Munoz, who drunkenly admitted he needed help to punctuate the end of the sentence, ‘Where are the Altima stories?'”

2018 Nissan Altima. Jesus, those are big boomerang lights

2018 Nissan Altima. Now those are some f*&king huge boomerang lights

“We love Altimas,” Munoz assured an office lamp he mistook for no one in particular.  “In fact, here’s a spy photo of the 2018 Altima and its ‘reimagined’ boomerang lights.  We wanted to wait and surprise you, but since everyone is whining, here’s the damn picture,” he said before vomiting.

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