Chevron’s New Gasoline Containing Testosterone: Can it Treat Vehicles With Directile Dysfunction?

Chevron calls its new gasoline with testosterone Hi-Test

Chevron’s Hi-Test gasoline with testosterone will soon be available nationwide

It’s estimated that nearly 30% of older vehicles suffer from some sort of directile dysfunction, which can result in a loss of stability, engine strength and worst of all, driveshaft failures.

But Chevron claims its new gasoline containing testosterone — called Hi-Test –treats those issues while also boosting performance.

Chevron testosterone engineer Urethra Duncan told Parksplug, “Owners who have tried Hi-Test say their vehicles have significantly fewer episodes of directile dysfunction, as well as renewed zip after just one tankful.”

For now, Chevron has the market to itself, but this summer, a new testosterone-infused rub-it-on, buff-it-off car wax is expected from Turtle Wax.



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