Doctor Warns Honda Fitbit Too Strenuous for Some

37-year-old Donzil Tripe pauses to vomit on the beach while working out with his new Honda Fitbit

37-year-old Donzil Tripe pauses to hurl on the beach during his Honda Fitbit workout

Adults should get at least 75 minutes of vigorous physical exercise each week, says the renowned Hold the Mayo Clinic.  But one doctor is warning that a popular new fitness device can actually lead to dangerous overexertion.

“Unless someone is already in top physical condition, I really can’t recommend it,” said Dr. Branislav Pittleman, referring to the new 2,650- pound Honda Fitbit, which is lugged along by a harness-equipped user.  “I’ve seen Honda Fitbit-using patients with injuries ranging from third-degree harness welts to severe wheezing lung grunts,”  said the doctor.

The Honda Fitbit’s manufacturer, however, counters that the device’s instruction manual — which can be found at — advises users to start slow and ensure the transmission is shifted into neutral.


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