Wink Packard, a carpal tunnel
patient, demonstrates exercise

As many as 80% of Dr. Sanka Belcher’s patients are chronic bird-flippers suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.  “Your hand and middle finger can only perform so many bird flips, and once you reach that limit, you’re going to have problems,” said Belcher.

But the prominent physician, who achieved his boyhood dream of becoming both a hand doctor and urologist, said Bird-Flipping Carpal Tunnel (BFCP) can be prevented.  “Many of my patients are devastated because they think they’re going to have to stop flipping off other drivers, but that’s hardly ever the case,” said Dr. Belcher.

He recommends that three times a day, chronic bird flippers perform the old rhyme, Here is the church and here is the steeple.  Open the doors and see all the people, while interlocking and twisting the fingers.  “Also, putting your thumbs in your ears and repeating ‘nyahh, nyahh’ five or six times while wiggling your fingers is a good muscle strengthening exercise,” claims Belcher.  “Then, after your exercises, always soak your hand in a saucepan filled with warm pudding to relax the muscles and joints.”  Dr. Belcher claims his techniques have changed his patients’ lives.  “They’re so happy and excited they flip off my receptionist and everyone in the waiting room on their way out,” he chortled.


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