First Spy Photo! Ford’s New Ranchero!

Is Ford developing a Fusion-based replacement for the Ranchero that the automaker sold from 1957 to 1979?  

It certainly looks that way based on an undisguised vehicle caught on camera by Parksplug comptroller/photographer Woot Meeker.  We sat down with Woot for a quick Q&A:

Parksplug:  Woot, what’s a comptroller, anyway?  

Woot:  Um, I control the company’s finances.

Parksplug: So you’re really a controller, not a comptroller.

Woot: It’s kind of the same thing.

Parksplug:  Well, why the (bleep) do you call yourself a comptroller, then?  

Woot:  What’s it to you, a**hole?!  

Parksplug:  Hey, (bleep) you!

Woot:  Hey, (Bleep) YOU!  I quit!  

Parksplug:  Can we still use your Ranchero photo?


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